Download Freedom v1.6.6 APP

As we mentioned before, you can’t download Freedom APK from Google Play store. But you can download the APK file from other sources and install the app directly.As we mentioned before, you can’t download Freedom APK from Google Play store. But you can download the APK file from other sources and install the app directly.Click on the link below to download Freedom APK for free:
This is the latest 1.8.1c version of Freedom. The file size is about 1.2 MB.
App Details


App Name FreedomLatest Version 1.6.9gUpdated On 20th of April 2017APK size 1.7MBAndoid version required Android 2.3 or aboveRoot permissions RequiredAvailable on Google Play? NoMain purpose In-App-PurchasesMinimum Requirements to Install Freedom App?
Before you go through the installation process check whether your Android device is compatible with Freedom app.
Android version above 2.3 (Gingerbread).Your device should be rooted.512MB of RAM needed.Free 100MB internal memory. 
 Install freedom apk 2017?
You can install Freedom APK in almost all Android devices. The latest version is supposed to work in Android Marshmallow and Nougat too. But the important thing is to have root access. If your device is not rooted and you don’t know how to root, we suggest you to look for a rooting tutorial on the internet and root your device. A rooted Android can do a lot more than its default configuration.
Step 01. Once you have rooted your device, you are ready to install Freedom APK. So as the first step root your Android device.

 Step 02. Then, download the installation file (freedom.apk) to your device. If you have downloaded the file on your computer, transfer the file to your mobile.
Step 03. Now, go to the Settings of your phone and allow Installation from unknown sources in the Security section. You are now allowed to install apps from APK files (without using Google Play Store).

Lucky Patcher

Description of Lucky Patcher

Unlock the true potential of your device.

If you're looking to unlock a series of restricted app features on your mobile or tablet, you're in luck.

Lucky Patcher is a powerful toolbox app that lives up to its name. Now you can remove ads, change app permissions and gain access to a host of useful features - all with just a simple tap.


also allows you to clear app data, remove selected in-app purchases, disable packages, backup and clone apps, generate modified APK files and more.

To harness the full potential of Lucky Patcher open it and search for the app you want to patch and tap the button 'Patch'. The apps that have custom patches available usually work better.

The device might take a while to complete the process as it depends on the size of the app.

A simple colour-coded text tells the results. Green stands for a successful patch, yellow for a partial patch while red declares it unsuccessful.

While Lucky Patcher's features work on any device, the app can do a lot more on a rooted device. In other words, it means you need to 'administrator privileges' on your phone or tablet.

As new custom patches for apps are released very often, it is important to always update the data of Lucky Patcher. You also need to take a look at the bottom menus. Don't forget the toolbox - here's where you can find many useful new tricks and secrets for your device.